
In groups of 4, create a video that showcases the entire process of ordering at a restaurant from entering the restaurant to getting the bill. This task will help students practice their communication and teamwork skills in a real-world scenario.


  1. Form groups:
    • Organize into groups of four. If you haven’t met with your peers, contact the instructor to help you find a group.  
  1. Plan your video:
    • Assign roles within the group:
      • Customer(s)
      • Waiter/waitress
      • Manger (optional, for added scenarios)
    • Discuss and outline the script: Script should be based on what you learned on previous assessments:
      • Greeting when entering the restaurant 
      • Being seated and receiving menus 
      • Ordering food and drinks 
      • Interaction during the meal (e.g. checking in with the costumer, additional orders 
      • Asking for the bill and completing the payment process
    • Decide on a location to shoot the video (e.g. classroom, home, a real restaurant, a mock setup)
  1. Create the video
    • Record your video using a smartphone, tablet, or camera
    • Ensure all group members participate and clearly showcase the process 
    • Aim for a video length of 5 minutes
  2. Editing and final touches:
    • Edit the video for clarity and flow
    • Add subtitles if needed for better understanding 
    • Make sure the audio is clear and understandable 
  3. Submission: 
    • One group member will submit the link to the final video on Brightspace by the due date. 

Assessment Rubric:

(Individual) Assessment CriteriaExcellent (4)Good (3)Satisfactory (2)Needs Improvement (1)
CreativityVery engaging! Uses phrases and vocabulary that go beyond those used in class. Engaging. Uses some phrases and vocabulary similar to those used in class.Somewhat engaging. Mostly uses phrases and vocabulary to those used in class.Not engaging. Only uses phrases and vocabulary from those used in class/uses incorrect phrases that are not relevant to the topic.
CompletenessVideo meets and goes beyond all of the necessary components from the outline.Video meets all of the necessary components from the outline.Video meets some of the necessary components from the outline. Video meets none of the necessary components.
FlowSmooth, natural flow throughout the video. Follows all correct sequence of events from the outline.Mostly smooth, with some minor hesitation. Mostly follows the correct sequence of events from the outline. Somewhat smooth, some hesitations, uneven pacing. Does not entirely follow the sequence of events from the outline.Frequent hesitations, choppy. Does not follow the sequence of events and/or missing components.
AccuracyEngages actively, responds appropriately, initiates topics.Engages well, mostly appropriate responses, some initiation.Limited engagement, mostly responds, rarely initiates.Minimal engagement, inappropriate responses, does not initiate.